Consumer Services Guide (CSG)

Consumer Action Edition

The Consumer Services Guide is searchable directory of resources which can help you with consumer problems and questions. There are multiple editions of the ‘Guide’, some which deal with specific issues such as housing or credit. The full directory, the Consumer Service Guide Edition, provides access to all the resources collected by Consumer Action.

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Office of Recapitalization, (HUD)

Primary Address

The Weaver Federal Building
451 7th Street, SW, Room 6230
Washington, DC 20410
District of Columbia County

Telephone: (202) 708-0001

The Office of Recap is responsible for the preservation and recapitalization of federally assisted affordable housing and oversees and processes financial transactions to ensure the long-term physical and financial viability of affordable rental housing. In conducting the business of preservation of affordable housing, Recap is also responsible for ensuring compliance with relevant laws and statutes.


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